Check out these kick-ass reviews for our album “Music To Vacuum To” – available for streaming and poichase right now right HERE!

siskelebertClick here to read the full review by Ryan Good

Some of these songs initially seem thrown together like Legos from different sets but upon further listening it’s apparent the parts have been honed to serve a purpose.

There’s rockabilly, indie rock, surf rock, progressive rock; really it’s a very flexible power trio that is agile and inventive. I assume the live show is a ton of fun.

Click here to read the full review by Epignosis

Have you ever wanted to hear country prog? This is your opportunity. That isn’t to say that this is not an eclectic album. On the contrary: There is plenty else to relish, from volatile discharges of rock to smooth jazz fusion. Don’t be fooled by the silly artwork or the giddy titles: This is impressive business.

Thanks so much to botha yous guys for taking out the time to listen and type!