Did you miss our super fun happy pappy set at Parkside Lounge last night? Dry those tears from your eyes (or eye if you’re a Cyclops), for we have a few more before shows booked before the year’s end (or one more show if those wacky Mayans are right this time). Check it out:
Friday 12/21 at Free Candy
Sponsored by Mama Coco’s Funky Kitchen, the very recording facility where our album Music To Vacuum To was born. Speaking of, check out this awesome review of our album on the Mama Coco’s internets page. Thank you sir may we have another! This show is being recorded for a Mama Coco’s compilation so be sure to come out if you want your heckling immortalized on a live recording.
And then… providing the world still exists the following week:
Ella Lounge on 12/27
with our near and dear friends Assorted Animals.
We may even be debuting a new song or two at these. As if that weren’t enough – some sort of Iced Ink incarnation will be generating live music at a New Year’s Eve event. Details to come on that one. As for the rest of the shows, all of the gory info is just a few clicks away over on our Giggs page. Check it!
One last note: It’s the season of giving and we are giving you the gift of musical awareness of two awesome bands we played with last night at Parkside: Nevermind Orchestra (a super fun all brass Nirvana tribute band) and Lighteater – a super dooper awesome instrumental 4 piece that you should really make yourselves familiar with. Hop to it.
2012 was a great year for Iced Ink and we hope it was for you, too. Here’s to 2013 kicking even more ass!